Essential Gear For Your Bug Out Bag

The key to an effective evac plan is planning, and having ready a strategic "go-bag" - a carryall packed with the essentials you're going to need to survive life outside the roof.

While one hopes that you're never going to need to use it, having a bug-out bag is priceless for peace of mind. A "Go Bag", 72-hr kit bag, an INCH bag, emergency pack - is one of the most important steps to prepare yourself and your family for emergency situations. While we all like to think that emergency situations only happen to others on news, that kind of thinking won't help much should we find ourselves smack bang in the middle of an emergency.

"Prepare and prevent. Don't repair and repent" - Anonymous.

Preparation is the key to tackling any situation, especially emergencies. Ask a firefighter and he or she will tell you how the tiniest of preparation can save lives.

Are Preassembled Bug Out Bags Any Good?

If you look around you'll find a host of emergency response and doomsday brands that make preassembled grab-and-go kits designed to suit people from all walks of life. They're better than nothing but these kits do not account for variations in environment and individual-specific needs. These emergency packs offer the lazy one-stop-shopping. Most of these kits offer low-quality items and hardly any room for customization. The selection of gear is often incomplete. All this adds up to a false sense of security for the sake of convenient shopping. Still, something is better than nothing.

The Evac Bag List

The first step towards a solid evacuation plan is to make a list of all the stuff you need before you need it. So, while you take notes from this article, also think of your own individual needs. For example, journalists and writers may want to shove their travel documents and laptops in their bug-out bag along with other items.

The Bug-Out Bag

Your BoB (a friendly acronym for Bug out Bags) isn't going to be of much help if it's not tailored for the job itself. Once you know what to pack, take time to choose a field pack that will meet your needs. There's no one-size-fits-all here. However, try to get one that's light. comfortable to carry, and good quality. You need a pack that's well built, rugged, and can weather harsh conditions for a few days.


Clean drinking water is a must-have in your emergency kit pack. FEMA recommends a daily ration of half a gallon of water per adult when sheltering in emergency camps. Carry your water in multiple containers, just in case you damage one. Remember you will need a minimum of a quarter gallon of water a day.

Folding Knife

No, don’t shove the kitchen knife in bug-out pack. To survive an emergency situation, you need a tactical knife. Ideally, it should be an army-grade folding knife. A knife will be called for duty on multiple occasions every day. So get a rugged folding knife with a razor-sharp blade. Invest in a good-quality folding knife.